Interview with our New Hire, Theo

by | May 14, 2021

With a big a lot of marketing experience under her belt and an eagerness every day to dive deeper into the world of digital, Theo has happily joined our team with a solid background in marketing and a thirst for Canadian adventure!

Originally from the UK, Theo has landed in Canada and dropped into Method + Metric with a background in UX, backend design and development, and a love of kayaking. 

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself

A: Originally from the UK, I moved to Vancouver over a year ago on a whim. I visited the city in 2017, loved it and started the application process for my permanent residency on the same holiday. 

Q: How did you get into SEO?

A: SEO was a  natural transition for me coming from a marketing background. Combined with my skills in content writing, UX and the back end, it seemed like the next natural step.

Q: Why digital marketing?

A: So vast, so many options and choices to concentrate on and can dive into a variety of different projects. 

Q: What’s your favorite SEO hack?

A: The utilization of content and how it can be repurposed in so many different ways. There is still a lot of opportunity to re-use existing content so that it fits into what is happening in the here and now. 

Q: If you can do anything, without money being an obstacle, what would it be?

A: I think about this all the time. I have mulled over numerous options in my head from running an animal sanctuary (crazy animal lover), to working with adults with addiction, to being an interior designer. I have yet to settle on one thing which I think says a lot about me. I am a ‘jack of all trades and a master of none’. I grow bored easily and thrive when I am constantly being challenged. So it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what I would be doing but I think I would start with a PhD and then let my life decisions snowball from there. Having the freedom to do anything I want is definitely highly intoxicating. 

Q: How do you maintain a work-life balance and what are some things you like to do outside of work?

A: I have a dog named Luigi who I like to bring hiking. I also enjoy kayaking and any outdoor activities. I enjoy cooking and love travelling (total cliche). I think it is important to remember that your work does not define you and as soon as you think it might you need to spend more time on yourself. I enjoy cooking, going to the pub and in lockdown I became obsessed with my favourite computer game from when I was a child, Sonic the Hedgehog. 

We’re super stoked to have Theo join our SEO family!

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