Introducing our Newest Hire: Peter Pilz!

by | Mar 26, 2021

We would like to send a warm welcome to the newest member of our superhero SEO team, Peter Pilz.

Peter, an Austrian-born SEO specialist, immigrated to Canada 6 years ago to live out his big Canadian dream of being surrounded by nature, the mountains, and “the friendliest people in the world.” 

We are excited to have a new hire on the team and wanted to get to know a bit more about his background, how he landed himself into SEO and a few facts about what makes him, him! 

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself

A: Born and raised in the heart of the Austrian Alps, I’ve spent pretty much my entire life on skis. Needless to say, winter tourism is the top driver in the economy. It became clear that I wanted to seek education and a career in the tourism industry. I studied Innovation and Management in Tourism and also spent two semesters abroad in Kamloops, BC. After graduating, I worked at a hotel, a destination marketing organization and eventually secured a gig at a digital marketing agency in Austria. After two amazing years with the agency, I left home to live with my wife in Vancouver. Newly immigrated, I continued to work as an SEO on a freelance basis. I also worked at a corporate sustainability event organization in marketing, mainly responsible for digital marketing. Having missed the agency hustle, I’ve been on the hunt for a digital marketing position with a Vancouver based agency. And here we are, a proud member of the Method + Metric team!

Q: How did you get into SEO?

A:  I first heard about SEO during university, where I had the chance to learn more about the science behind it and the components that make up a solid SEO strategy.

Q: Why digital marketing?

A: I’m passionate about service. Working with people to help improve their marketing efforts and thus positively affect their bottom line is what I enjoy most about digital marketing. It’s meaningful relationships and long-lasting results that get me up every morning. Also, digital marketing offers some amazing low hanging fruit, which can be harvested effectively, which won’t break the bank. With a little bit of knowledge, it’s incredible what people can accomplish exposing their product and brand.

Q: What’s your favorite spreadsheet hack?

A: I love a good cell function that triggers alerts and there’s just something about colour-coding your spreadsheets.

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

A: Examine everything and keep the good, as well as to never cast a shadow on others, instead be the light in the shadow of others.

Q: Favourite book?

I shamefully admit that I’m not much of a reader but my favourite book is the Bible. Psalms or proverbs. 

Q: What song are you playing on repeat right now?

A: I listen to a ton of music, hard to pick one but I’ll go with True Brew by Millencolin, a Swedish punk rock band.

Although he admitted to not being much of a reader, Peter does love reading MOZ and Search Engine Land articles and dives head first into anything about sports. As a former professional skier, we are glad his love of the mountains led him to this side of the world, and now as a part of the Method and Metric SEO team. 

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