Boost Sales and Maximize your ROI

Paid Search Services

Unlock the full potential of your marketing pipeline with our comprehensive paid search services. Drive sales and boost your ROI with targeted multichannel campaigns tailored to your unique business goals.

how to build a site architecture - photo of a black and white building structured and stacked on top of each other

Paid Search Advertising
that Doesn’t Feel Like Advertising

Level Up Your Search Strategy

The digital world is in a constant state of motion, it’s where technology and culture meet. It’s at this intersection that search marketing lives. And you need a deft straetgy to cut through the noise. Timing, intent, and messaging combine to form an integrated full-funnel campaign. Through a data-first lens, we uncover opportunities and remove the ambiguity common with paid search.

Your customers aren’t on one channel, so why would your ads?

A Multichannel Strategy for Hyper-Targeted Results

Success in business today means having a multifaceted marketing mix. It takes a cohesive approach across platforms to authentically connect with your audience. The message and media need to align with consumer expectations. Whether it’s through paid social, programmatic ads, or sponsored content, reach your people at the right moment with the right message. Outside of Google’s sandbox, we can leverage Bing, LinkedIn, Meta, and beyond to creatively engage with your audience.

Our PPC Strategy and
Management Process

Continuous Iteration for Optimal Results

Optimization is at the core of everything that we do. As markets evolve and perspectives change, we calibrate the strategy to respond to these shifts. Our team will monitor and tweak the ad features at our disposal to ensure optimal performance.

Our iterative approach keeps your ads on point:


We begin by analyzing market trends and competitor strategies, using these insights to craft a robust and unique PPC strategy.


Leveraging advanced tools and SEO expertise, we identify high-impact terms that drive qualified traffic to your website.


Post-research, we build and optimize your PPC accounts across various platforms, structuring each campaign for performance and efficiency.


Robust tracking mechanisms determine proper attribution and gather actionable insights for ongoing optimization.


With data gathered from tracking, we refine targeting, messaging, and bidding strategies for optimal results.


We provide an easy-to-use dashboard for your team to showcase key metrics and make data-informed decisions.

Happy SEO Customers


“The team at Method + Metric were a great help when it came to identifying the areas of SEO where we needed to improve the most. Their guidance and expertise has put us on the right track for optimizing our SEO strategy as best as possible for the future!”

Helen Long, Celayix
Mystery Person

I have had the pleasure of working with Method & Metric for the past 3 years and I couldn’t be happier with the results. They have helped to increase my website’s visibility and search engine rankings, leading to a significant boost in traffic and sales. The team is professional, knowledgeable, and always available to answer any questions I have. Their strategies are effective and tailored to my specific needs. I highly recommend Method & Metric to anyone looking to improve their online presence.

Edward George


The Method and Metric team were absolutely instrumental in my practices’ growth.

Megan Gelmon


Our website has had a complete overhaul and continues to be updated and maintained, and that together with the ongoing SEO has impacted and helped increase our business turnover.

Chris Peskett


This is the first agency I’ve worked with that I can truly depend on.

Kate De Groot

Our Paid Search Ads Agency

As digital marketing specialists, we’re committed to long-term success. We take a holistic view of your website, informed by data, to address the elements holding it back. Our team is data-driven and ROI-focused, dedicated to delivering results.

We Partner with Amazing Companies
Doing Amazing Things

Anymail Finder

345% increase in organic clicks for an Italian SaaS company in a 6 month period


100% YoY increase in eCommerce conversions in 2023

Sana Counseling

407% increase in website traffic in 18 months for a service-based business

Drive Sales Increase ROI?

Our team is here to drive sales, so you can grow your business.